Ovarian cancer
Overview of the research lines
Management of ovarian cancer and sensitivity to PARP-inhibitors
PARP inhibitors have profoundly changed the treatment of ovarian cancer. In ovarian cancer, Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene (BRCA) pathogenic variants represent a well-known predictive biomarker of higher sensitivity to treatment with PARP inhibitors. However, understanding of the biological basis of sensitivity and resistance to PARP inhibition is limited.
In this context, the Clinical Oncology Section of DiSCOG is involved in observational and translational studies aimed to assess the real-world outcomes of treatment with PARP inhibitors for ovarian cancer and to identify potential clinical and biological features related to sensitivity and resistance to PARP inhibitors.
Randomized phase II trial of weekly paclitaxel vs. cediranib-olaparib (continuous or intermittent schedule) in platinum-resistant high-grade epithelial ovarian cancer. Colombo N, Tomao F, Benedetti Panici P, Nicoletto MO, Tognon G, Bologna A, Lissoni AA, DeCensi A, Lapresa M, Mancari R, Palaia I, Tasca G, Tettamanzi F, Alvisi MF, Rulli E, Poli D, Carlucci L, Torri V, Fossati R, Biagioli E; BAROCCO study group. Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Mar;164(3):505-513.
Synchronous and Metachronous Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Experience From Two Large Cancer Center. Tasca G, Dieci MV, Baretta Z, Faggioni G, Montagna M, Nicoletto MO, Peccatori FA, Guarneri V, Colombo N. Front Oncol. 2020 Dec 14;10:608783
Recommendations for the implementation of BRCA testing in ovarian cancer patients and their relatives. Gori S, Barberis M, Bella MA, Buttitta F, Capoluongo E, Carrera P, Colombo N, Cortesi L, Genuardi M, Gion M, Guarneri V, Incorvaia L, La Verde N, Lorusso D, Marchetti A, Marchetti P, Normanno N, Pasini B, Pensabene M, Pignata S, Radice P, Ricevuto E, Sapino A, Tagliaferri P, Tassone P, Trevisiol C, Truini M, Varesco L, Russo A; AIOM-SIGU-SIBIOC-SIAPEC-IAP Working Group. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2019 Aug;140:67-72.
Current strategies for the targeted treatment of high-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer and relevance of BRCA mutational status. Gadducci A, Guarneri V, Peccatori FA, Ronzino G, Scandurra G, Zamagni C, Zola P, Salutari V. J Ovarian Res. 2019 Jan 28;12(1):9.
Sharing real-world experiences to optimize the management of olaparib toxicities: a practical guidance from an Italian expert panel. Lorusso D, Bologna A, Cecere SC, De Matteis E, Scandurra G, Zamagni C, Arcangeli V, Artioli F, Bella M, Blanco G, Cardalesi C, Casartelli C, De Vivo R, Di Napoli M, Gisone EB, Lauria R, Lissoni AA, Loizzi V, Maccaroni E, Mangili G, Marchetti C, Martella F, Naglieri E, Parolin V, Ricciardi G, Ronzino G, Salutari V, Scarfone G, Secondino S, Spagnoletti I, Tasca G, Tognon G, Guarneri V. Support Care Cancer. 2020 May;28(5):2435-2442.
5x1000 IOV – Junior Grant: BIOPARP
Progetti Pubblico Privari CORIS 2019: RENEW
People involved:
Guarneri Valentina, Full Professor
Dieci Maria Vittoria, Associate Professor
Pasello Giulia, Assistant Professor
Griguolo Gaia, Assistant Professor
Miglietta Federica, Assistant Professor
Group members
Tasca Giulia, Girardi Fabio