Summer and Winter School
Translational and Personalised Medicine: from bench to the bedside
WHERE: Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology (Discog)
WHEN: 17 - 21 June 2019
WHO MIGHT PARTICIPATE: postgraduate students
WEB: https://www.discog.unipd.it/corsi/summer-and-winter-school
INFO: summerschool.discog@unipd.it, francescopaolo.russo@unipd.it
Course organisers: Prof Stefano Merigliano and Dott. Francesco Paolo Russo (Discog),
Prof. Simon Leedham (Oxford University)
AIMS of the School
The Summer School is a joint program generated by the cooperation between the Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology of the University of Padua and the Centre for Personalised Medicine of the University of Oxford. Translational medicine (TM) is an interdisciplinary branch of the bio-medical field supported by three main pillars: "benchside, bedside and community". The main objective of the school is to discuss state-of-the art translational research to enhance the knowledge of clinicians and scientists aiming to cope with the complexity of TM's current challenges.
In the simplest terms, personalised, precision or stratified medicine aims to deliver the right treatment, to the right patient at the right time. Identification of the right patient population has been enhanced through advancing technologies in genomics, disease model systems, population health image analysis and many other data science driven paradigms. We are now generating and have access to vastly larger collections of data than have been available before, and translation of data driven research is beginning to influence clinical decision making.
The goal is to combine disciplines, resources, skills to promote improvements in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
- Frontal lessons
- State of the art Lectures
- Visiting laboratories
With this Summer School course you will not only obtain insight in how science works. This course is specifically not about learning how to ‘play the game’, but about understanding that there is a game going on, what the rules of the game are and to be able to transcend it.
Translational medicine, the process of translating ideas from bench to bedside, is very difficult to reach. To solve this colossal problem at the heart of biomedical science it is necessary to train and educate a new generation of translational scientists who are fluent in both scientific and clinical languages, who are comfortable with interpreting data driven research and the integration of scientific advances into clinical practice.
You will be informed about the latest developments in translational medicine across the fields of gastroenterology, oncology and regenerative medicine. Using real-world examples, we will help aspiring translational scientists to develop complementary and leadership skills needed to successfully navigate the complex field of translational medicine.
This course takes up that challenge and provides aspiring translational scientists with insights, tools and competences to navigate the difficult track from bench to bedside. Crucial is obtaining a systemic perspective on science and complemented with multiple skills. The course empowers participants to become successful translational scientists, especially in the fields of gastroenterology, regenerative medicine and oncology.
Who can apply
Medical, biomedical, pharmacological, biotechnological and life sciences postgraduates, preferably with a background in molecular biology, cell biology and genetics/genomics. Proficiency in written and spoken English is required.
Participation fee
Free for selected students from Oxford University (10) and from University of Padua. For British students, costs for travelling, accommodation, training materials and meals during the day are covered by the University of Padua.
Participants: maximum 20 postgraduate students (10 places reserved for postgraduate students from the University of Oxford, 10 postgraduate students from the University of Padova).
Selection criteria: CV and motivational letter (less than 400 words).
Deadline for application: April 15th, 2019.
Send your CV and your motivational letter to summerschool.discog@unipd.it, francescopaolo.russo@unipd.it
The full programme and further information are available here