- 18/05/2023 - Federica di Nicolantonio, Department of Oncology, University of Torino - "Precision oncologyfor metastaticcolorectal cancer"
- 10/05/2023 - Valentina Serafin, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, Università degli studi di Padova - "Phosphoproteomic profiling of leukemias and lymphomas to identify new therapeutic targets to improve patients' outcome through a personalized medicine approach"
- 03/05/2023 - Elena Mariotto, Dipartimento di Salute della Donna e del Bambino Università degli Studi di Padova - "A robust high-throughput screening platform (HTS) to enable drug repositioning in chemotherapy-resistant tumors"
- 19/04/2023 - Mathias Wenes, Translational Research Centre in Oncohaematology University of Geneva - "Metabolic interventions to improve CAR T cell efficacy
- 06/04/2023 - Roberto Ferrara, Thoracic Oncology Unit I.R.C.C.S. National Cancer Institute of Milan - "HYPERprogression Biological Outlines in advanced Lung cancer patients upon Immune Checkpoint blockade"
- 02/02/2023 - Sergio Marchini, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital of Milan - "Analysis of ctDNA to intercept the whispering voice of high grade serous ovarian cancer"
- 16/01/2023 - Fabrizio Bianchi, Institute for Stem-cell Biology, Regenerative Medicine and Innovative Therapies, Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - "How to interpret lung cancer transcriptome to predict clinical outcome and identify alternative therapeutic strategies"
- 19/12/2022 - Vincenzo Russo, Unit of Immuno-Biotherapy of Melanoma and Solid Tumors, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan - "Manipulation of cholesterol/oxysterol metabolism to unleash effective antitumor responses"
- 30/11/2022 - Luca Malorni, S.O.C. Oncologia Medica "Sandro Pitigliani" Azienda USL Toscana Centro - "Thymidine kinase activity as a circulating biomarker for breast cancer patients"
- 27/10/2022 - Anna Dalla Pietà, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - Università degli Studi di Padova - "Investigation of the natural polymer hyaluronan (HA) as cytotoxic drug carrier and immunological adjuvant”
- 19/05/2022 - Marco Montagner, Dipartimento di Medicina molecolare, Università di Padova - "The invisiblephase of metastasis"
- 09/05/2022 - Livia Augustin, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione Pascale, Napoli - "Cardiometabolic risk factors in women with breast cancer before and after a dietary intervention”
- 28/04/2022 - Rafael Boscolo Berto, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università di Padova - "The body donation program for research purposes"
- 04/04/2022 - Andrea Facciabene, Department of Radiation Oncology and the Ovarian Cancer Research Center (OCRC) University of Pennsylvania -"The impact of the gut microbiota on cancer immunology and immunotherapy”
- 17/03/2022 - Lucilia Saraiva, Faculty of Pharmacy University of Porto -"Targeting p53 for cancer treatment and prevention”
- 07/03/2022 - Andreas Leithner, Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Medical University of Graz -"Bone and soft tissue tumors: principles of treatment”
- 18/02/2022 - Emilio Quaia, Dipartimento di Medicina, Università di Padova -"Contrast enhanced ultrasound in oncology
- 14/12/2021 - Cyril Corbet , Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC) University of Louvain (UCL) Medical School -"At the crossroads of tumor microenvironment and metabolism: role of acidosis in tumor evolution”
- 30/11/2021 - Tim Pawlik, The Urban Meyer III and Shelley Meyer Chair for Cancer Research Wexner Medical Center - The Ohio State University (USA) -"Management of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma”
- 11/11/2021 - Silvia Giunco, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - Università di Padova -"The extra telomeric functions of telomerase in B cell malignancies”
- 02/11/2021 - Paolo Strati, Department of Translational Molecular Pathology - UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX -"Mitigating CAR T cell associated toxicities for patients with B cell Lymphoma: an ongoing challenge”
- 27/10/2021 - Giulia Pasello, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - Università di Padova -"Tumor immune microenvironment and circulating inflammatory markers for prognostic and predictive stratification of thoracic cancer patient”
- 12/10/2021 - Angela Gallo, RNA Editing lab, Department of Oncohematology - IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Roma -"The essential role played by the rna editing mechanism in normal and oncology processes”
- 04/10/2021 - Sandra Zampieri, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - Università di Padova -"Denervation and neuromuscolar junction degeneration underlie muscle wasting in human cancer cachexia"
- 26/05/2021 - Evelina Miele, Terapia Cellulare e Genica dei Tumori Pediatrici - IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Roma -"DNA methylation profiling in pediatric brain tumors and sarcomas"
- 11/05/2021 - Michael R. Ladomery, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, University of the West of England (Bristol) - “Targeting splicing in prostate cancer”
- 27/04/2021 - Luca Mazzarella, Department of Experimental Oncology, European Institute of Oncology - "Dietary and metabolic modulation of cancer stem cells. Molecular mechanisms and potential targets"
- 23/04/2021 - Angelo De Milito, Tumor Biology and Therapeutics, Sprint Bioscience - "Development of Vps34 inhibitors as immunomodulating agents for cancer therapy"
- 18/03/2021 - Silvano Sozzani, Dipartimento di Medicina molecolare, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - "A new lung homing pathway for NK cell antitumor immune surveillance"
- 25/02/2021 - Renzo Pegoraro, Pontificia Accademia per la Vita (Roma) - "Etica nella ricerca e nella pratica clinica: due tipi di Comitato Etico"
- 16/02/2021 - Maria Rescigno, Mucosal immunology and microbiota unit, Humanitas Research Hospital (Rozzano) - "The microbiota in tumor progression and treatment"
- 13/01/2021 - Andrea Sottoriva, Centre for Evolution and Cancer, The Institute of Cancer Research (London) - "Measuring and predicting cancer evolution from genomic data and histopathological imaging"
- 10/12/2020 - Simone Becattini, Department of Pathology and Immunology, University of Geneva - "Adaptation of intestinal bacteria to host immune responses"
- 26/11/2020 - Andrea Cozza, Dipartimento di Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanità Pubblica, Università di Padova - "La vaccinazione nella storia della Medicina"
- 20/11/2020 - Lidia Bosurgi, Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf - "Impact of apoptotic cell identity on macrophage function"
- 13/11/2020 - Nicola Gagliani, Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf - "CD4+ T cell biology, immunity and immune mediated inflammatory diseases"
- 13/10/2020 - Andrea Cossarizza, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche materno infantili e dell'adulto, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia - "Immune system during COVID-19: whose side is it on"
- 29/07/2020 - Enrico Lugli, Humanitas Flow Cytometry Core, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center (Rozzano) - "T cell differentiation at single-cell resolution"
- 24/07/2020 - Dario Sangiolo, Dipartimento di Oncologia, Università di Torino - "Cancer Immunotherapy with CAR-redirected killer lymphocytes: Rational basis, current evidence and future perspective"
- 15/07/2020 - Giuseppe Lombardi, Unità Operativa Complessa Oncologia 1, Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS (Padova) - "New treatment perspectives for glioblastoma"
- 10/07/2020 - Stefano Indraccolo, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche, Università di Padova - "Genetic, epigenetic and immunological characterization of relapsed glioblastoma"
- 26/06/2020 - Susanna Mandruzzato, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche, Università di Padova - "Role of myeloid cells in the immune escape strategies of glioblastoma"
- 19/06/2020 - Piero Dalerba, Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center (New York) - "The “cancer stem cell” model: a guide to biomarker discovery and therapeutic decisions in human colon cancer"
- 12/06/2020 - Serena Pellegatta, Unità Operativa Complessa di Neuro-Oncologia Molecolare, Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta IRCCS (Milano) - "Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) -T: opportunities, challenges and implications for the treatment of glioblastoma"
- 29/05/2020 - Gaetano Finocchiaro, Unità Operativa Complessa di Neuro-Oncologia Molecolare, Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta IRCCS (Milano) - "Glioblastoma immunotherapy with dendritic cells: what we are learning"
- 14/02/2020 - Ornella Morana, Instituto Biofisika, University of the Basque Country (Bilbao) - "Capturing in situ snapshots of lipidprotein interactions in living cells"
- 12/02/2020 - Giovanni Tonon, Center for Translational Genomics and Bioinformatics, San Raffaele Scientific Institute IRCCS (Milano) - "Single cell cancer evolution in the clinic"
- 10/02/2020 - Ugo Cavallaro, Unità di Ricerca in Ginecologia Oncologica, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (Milano) - "New players and targets in ovarian cancer stem cells"
- 22/01/2020 - Matteo Bellone, Cellular Immunology Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute IRCCS (Milano) - "Microbiota immune cells crosstalk in multiple myeloma"
- 12/11/2019 - Riccardo Dalla Favera, Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University (New York) - "Genomics of B cell lymphoma and its implications for therapy"
- 08/10/2019 - Alessandra Buja, Dipartimento di Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanità Pubblica, Università di Padova - "Costi del PDTA del Melanoma nel Veneto e impatto nel processo decisionale"
- 08/10/2019 - Elena Pizzo, Department of Applied Health Research, University College (London) - "The role of health economics and HTA in health care and cancer treatment"
- 07/10/2019 - Raffaele Baffa, Servier Pharmaceuticals (Boston) - "Early decision making in oncology drug development"
- 09/05/2019 - Giulia Pasqual, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche, Università di Padova - "A cellular LIPSTIC to track cell cell interaction in vivo"
- 07/05/2019 - Francesco Dazzi, King's College (London) - "Mesenchymal stromal cells: a matter of life death"
- 17/04/2019 - Giovanni Tonon, Center for Translational Genomics and Bioinformatics, San Raffaele Scientific Institute IRCCS (Milano) - "Tumor suppressor genes: are we there yet?"
- 27/03/2019 - Adam Zweifach, Department of Molecular and C ell Biology, University of Connecticut (Storrs) - "Journeying with Cytotoxic T lymphocytes from signaling to phenotypic screening and some lessons learned along the way"
- 13/03/2019 - Alessandra Biffi, Dipartimento di Salute della Donna e del Bambino, Università di Padova - "Advances in the application of HSC gene therapy for neurometabolic and neurodegenerative diseases"
- 12/03/2019 - NIccolò Bolli, Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia, Università di Milano - "Selective killing of T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) cells by activation of the ROS-OMA1-OPA1 axis"
- 12/03/2019 - Lena Pernas, Max-Planck-Institute for Biology of Ageing (Cologne) - "The metabolism of infection"
- 04/03/2019 - Giorgia Simonetti, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori IRCCS (Meldola) - "Leucemia acuta mieloide e metabolismo: integrazione di profili genomici e metabolomici"
- 25/02/2019 - Anna Tosi, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche, Università di Padova - "The fluorescent multiplex immunochemistry"
- 13/02/2019 - Diego Cecchin, Dipartimento di Medicina, Università di Padova - "Utilizzo della PET/RM nella pratica clinica"
- 05/02/2019 - Erich Piovan, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche, Università di Padova - "Applications of the CRISPR-CAS9 system in cancer biology: modeling of WT1 loss in T-cell leukemia"
- 28/01/2019 - Giorgio Valle, Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Padova - "Transcriptome analysis: from RNAseq to single cell RNA sequencing"
- 22/01/2019 - Rubén Quintana Cabrera, Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics, University of Salamanca - "Extending the boundaries of mitochondrial dynamics"
- 15/01/2019 - Giuseppe Astori, Unità Operativa Complessa di Ematologia - Azienda ULSS 8 Berica (Vicenza) - "La produzione dei medicinali per terapia cellulare avanzata : aspetti regolatori e sfide produttive in cell factory"