
Isabella Merante Boschin
Associate Professor
Telefono: 3402701014
Phone lab: +39 0498212920
High-school diploma, July 1993. Liceo - Ginnasio “G. Marconi”, Portogruaro (VE). Final mark: 52/60.
University degree in Medicine and Surgery, March 2000. Università degli Studi di Padova, Final mark: 105/110.
Specialization in General Surgery, December 2006. Seconda Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale, Università degli Studi di Padova. Final mark: 70/70 with distinction.
PhD (Research doctorate) in Oncology and Oncological Surgery, April 2010. Università degli Studi di Padova.
Researcher MED/18 in General Surgery since October 2007, with post confirmed since December 2010. DISCOG, Università degli Studi di Padova.
Qualified under the Italian Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale scheme to serve as Associate Professor in sector 06/C1- General Surgery (application n°58883 presented in November 2012).
Awarded the title of Adjunct Professor since the academic year 2012-2013 (Lecturer on General and Specialistic Surgery, Degree Course of Medicine and Surgery and Degree Course in Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, in Padova, Portogruaro, Conegliano, Treviso).
MD at the University of Padova’s Endocrinology Unit.Adjunct Professorin General and Specialistic Surgery, since the academic year 2012-2013, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Padova.
Research interests and career highlights
I was routinely involved in clinical and surgical activities mainly involving endocrine surgery from 1999 to November 2015. Since December 2015 I have been providing patient care at the University of Padova’s Endocrinology Unit where I have been particularly involved in ultrasound (US) diagnostics and US-guided fine needle aspiration biopsies of the neck.
As part of my research I have focused on diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
As concerns malignant thyroid diseases, I have taken part in multidisciplinary studies on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of thyroid carcinomas. I have studied “sentinel” lymph node (radionuclide and vital stain) method applied to the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma with a view to modulating the extent of lymph node dissection.
I have taken part in studies on the characterization of malignant and potentially malignant thyroid nodes based on immunocytological methods (galectin-3) and molecular biology (BRAF, RAS), in cooperation with colleagues at the University of Padova’s Endocrinology and Pathological Anatomy Units.
As concerns medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), sporadic or associated with multiple endocrine syndromes types IIa and IIb I have taken part in epidemiological, clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical studies.
I recently completed a study on radiofrequency treatment for benign thyroid nodules in cooperation with the Veneto Oncological Institute (IOV).
I have been involved in studies on primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism, and on parathyroid carcinoma. I have focused particularly on rapid intraoperative PTH assays and the molecular biology of parathyroid carcinoma.
I am currently embarking on a study on primary hyperparathyroidsm aiming to compare kidney function in patients submitted to surgery vs those kept under observation with and without calcimimetics.
My scientific activity is documented by 67 scientific publications, and I have coauthored 9 chapters in 7 Italian and 2 international books.
I have given presentations at numerous national and international conferences.
Key publications
1. Pelizzo MR, Dobrinja C, Casal Ide E, Zane M, Lora O, Toniato A, Mian C, Barollo S, Izuzquiza M, Guerrini J, De Manzini N, Merante Boschin I, Rubello D. The role of BRAF(V600E) mutation as poor prognostic factor for the outcome of patients with intrathyroid papillary thyroid carcinoma. Biomed Pharmacother. 2014 May;68(4):413-7
2. Boschin IM, Torresan F, Toniato A, Zane M, Ide EC, Pennelli G, Rampin L, Colletti PM, Rubello D, Pelizzo MR. Incidental medullary thyroid microcarcinoma revealed by mild increase of preoperative serum calcitonin levels: therapeutic implications. Endocrine. 2014 Apr;45(3):448-53.
3. Boschin IM, Pelizzo MR, Giammarile F, Rubello D, Colletti PM. Lymphoscintigraphy in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Clin Nucl Med. 2015 Jul;40(7):e343-50.
4. Pelizzo MR, Torresan F, Da Roit A, Merante Boschin I, Chondrogiannis S, Rampin L, Colletti PM, Vinjamury S, Perkins AJ, Rubello D.Mild to moderate increase of serum calcitonin levels only in presence of large medullary thyroid cancer deposits. Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol. 2015 Nov-Dec;34(6):378-82.
5. Pelizzo MR, Pennelli G, Zane M, Galuppini F, Colletti PM, Merante Boschin I, Rubello D. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) in Lynch syndrome: Report of two cases and discussion on Lynch syndrome behaviour and genetics. Biomed Pharmacother. 2015 Aug;74:9-16.
6. Pelizzo MR, Torresan F, Boschin IM, Nacamulli D, Pennelli G, Barollo S, Rubello D, Mian C. Early, Prophylactic Thyroidectomy in Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: A 26-year Monoinstitutional Experience. Am J Clin Oncol. 2015 Oct;38(5):508-13.
7. Pelizzo MR1, Conti C, Pennelli G, Bellan E, Cook GJ, Wong KK, Colletti PM, Merante Boschin I, Rubello D. Thyroid Paraganglioma: Our Experience and S ystematic Review of the Literature on a Rare Tumor.Am J Clin Oncol. 2016 May 9th.
8. Pelizzo MR, Boschin IM, Chondrogiannis S, Giammarile F, Colletti PM, Rubello D. Aberrant right subclavian artery ("arteria lusoria") without the known associated nerve anomaly: an "anomaly of the anomaly"? A clinical case and review of the literature. Surg Radiol Anat. 2017 Mar 20. doi: 10.1007/s00276-017-1831-1.
9. Marchiori E, Pelizzo MR, Herten M, Townsend DM, Rubello D, Boschin IM. Specifying the molecular pattern of sporadic parathyroid tumorigenesis-The Y282D variant of the GCM2 gene. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Aug;92:843-848. Doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.05.028.
10. Predictivity of clinical, laboratory and imaging findings in diagnostic definition of palpable thyroid nodules. A multicenter prospective study.Chiofalo MG, Signoriello S, Fulciniti F, Avenia N, Ristagno S, Lombardi CP, Nicolosi A, Pelizzo MR, Perigli G, Polistena A, Panebianco V, Bellantone R, Calò PG, Boschin IM, Badii B, Di Maio M, Gallo C, Perrone F, Pezzullo L.Endocrine. 2018 Jul;61(1):43-50. doi: 10.1007/s12020-018-1577-5. Epub 2018 Mar 22. PMID:29569123